Having covered the best of 2008 it's time to look forward to what will be big in 2009. Trying to guess what will be big in music is one of my favourite things to do, and when you get it right then it's even more fun. BBC does a brilliant list at the beginning of each year, where they manage to spot those who will make an impact each and every year (if you don't believe me then check out the one they did for 2008 here... impressive, eh?). What do I hope to get out of this? Well, nothing really. Just a bit of fun... however, I am of course hoping that I hit five or more from the coming BBC list (knew all but one, but only got three last year... hoping for more this time!) and vicariously then that the mentioned bands also actually make it.
Enough talking... Let's get to it!
The bands I think will be big in '09:
1. Empire of the sun
2. Little Boots
3. Florence and the Machine
4. White Lies
5. La Roux
6. Boy Crisis
7. We Have Band
8. Chairlift
9. Amazing Baby
10. Passion Pit
And in no particular order the "rest":
Fan Death
Asher Roth
Vivian Girls
Tame Impala
FM Belfast
The Soft Pack (formerly The Muslims - why change such an awesome name in the first place?!)
Now all that's left to do is wait!
UPDATE (20-12-08): Sooo... just saw that the Beeb's 2009 list is up. The good thing is that I got 6 out of 15! Whoop whoop and yay for me!... bad thing is that the list was up a whole five days before I posted (so yay for me and my brilliant research!)... Anywho, despite my inability to be up to date I still got 6 of 15, which is something. It is... Check out the BBC's list for 2009 here.