Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I've Softened Shipwrecks Right From The Start

Internet hype is a weird thing. Bands seem to come out of nowhere to be the next OMFG-this-is-better-than-if-Jesus-played-in-the-Beatles. The XX are one of those bands and who am I not to rave about them? Exactly. So I'm just gonna go ahead and jump on the bandwagon. They are awesome! Like like like... like Jesus featuring Hot Chip doing indie-ish rock with an R'n'B twist. Now strike the Jesus-reference. Better.

I haven't actually heard the full album yet - creatively titled XX - , but judging from reviews then it looks really interesting. Not being one to jump the gun (right) I'm just gonna go out on a limb and claim this to be one of my favorite albums so far this year... sometimes you just know, okay. Presumptious as I clearly am.

I've had a really hard time (read: scratched my head a few times) trying to pick between their two singles/videos so I took an executive decision and now I'm posting both. Yup, that's a class in Decision-Making 101 for you there.

The songs are called Crystallised and Basic Space, and they're minimalistic pieces of indie-pop brilliance. It's bare-bones kind of stuff with no superfluous effects or anything. Timid voices singing deeply intimate lyrics, sterile sampled drums played live and then great warmth from the weaving dual guitar play. Suffice to say that on the evidence of these songs, I like this band. *Hype Alert*

The XX - Crystallised

The XX - Basic Space

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Crude Art, A Bovver Boot Ballet - Equally Elegant And Ugly

Wild Beasts released one of last years best albums in Limbo, Panto and they seemed to have followed it up with an even better one in Two Dancers. Marvelous. The first single of the album is called Hooting and Howling and it is truly one of the best songs of the year so far.

Personally I'm big lyrics kind'o'guy, and in the case of this song the lyrics are mindblowingly good. Hayden Thorpe not only possesses a great voice and impressively nuanced falsetto (which he puts to great and often use), but also some serious writing chops. Every line is genius, beautifully describing a late night brawl as if it were - to quote the song - "a bovver boot ballet".

It's like reading something by Fitzgerald - simply awesome. Enjoy the lyrics in their entirity below the video.

Wild Beasts - Hooting and Howling

Carry me hooting and howling
to the river to wash off my hands
of the hot blood, the sweat and the sand
Any rival who goes for our girls will be left thumb sucking in terror
and bereft of all coffin bearers

A crude art, a bovver boot ballet - equally elegant and ugly
I was as thrilled as I was appalled, courting him in fisticuffing waltz.
Now I'm not saying the lads always deserve a braying.
And I'm not saying the girls are worth the fines I'm paying.

We're just brutes bored in our bovver boots.
We're just brutes clowning 'round in cahoots.
We're just brutes looking for shops to loot.
We're just brutes hoping to have a hoot

Hooting, hooting and howling

Today Was A Good Day

Nike knows a thing or two about shoes, athletics wear... and ads. I recently saw the full ad for Nike SB (Nike Skateboarding for those not in the know... aka moi until, uhm, recently...), which I immediately fell for. Well, as much as you can fall for an ad. Hard.

Anywho, the ad features some great panoramic shots and a skateboarder called P-Rod (yeah, I don't know him either), but most importantly it evokes memories of Mike Mills awesome video for Air's All I Need. It's that great feeling of serenity that the skating freely and the laidback music gives off. In the case of the ad, Ice Cube's classic Today Was A Good Day (re-mixed to fit the ad... leaving out the AK47 reference was probably wise) provides the musical and storytelling backdrop, which works marvelously. Kudos Nike... now, do I get a free pair of sneakers for this? Pretty please.