Falling in love is a difficult thing. Take Roxanne from Veronica Falls, she fell in love with a ghost on Found Love in a Graveyard. That can't be easy surely. And then there's me... I'm smitten with Roxanne, but she lives in London and... you know... doesn't know me and all (details details). But still, sheesh, how cool are you allowed to be?
Oh yeah, the music... The music's all kinds of great too with really strong tunes and that faded, ramshackle C86 feel that I'm so fond of (think Vivian Girls, Crystal Stilts, Pains of Being Pure at Heart, etc.). It's twee, but without being overly saccharine. So far Bad Feeling is my immediate favourite with the way-too-catchy chorus, the surf-y guitar and the fey almost apathetic delivery of the lines; "I've got a bad feeling and it's not going away". What's not to love?
Veronica Falls - Bad Feeling
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