Friday, January 18, 2008

BV Lightspeed Champion Interview

Over on BrooklynVegan there's an interview with Devonte Hynes of Lightspeed Champion about his upcoming album and his previous band Test Icicles. I really liked Test Icicles and I really like Lightspeed Champion. I thought it was really sad when Test Icicles called it quits as they had made some really great tunes (eg. Circle Square Triangle), but I'm happy to see Dev moving on and doing good stuff on his own (and also hearing him talk about Rory).

Anywho, it's a really good interview and well worth a read. There's a lot about Test Icicles, but also a lot about how it was doing the album as well as how it was working with Mike Mogis of Saddle Creek;

"I had been speaking to Mike [Mogis, Saddle Creek producer] for months before we decided to work together. The idea was to get the guitar out of these songs, to see if they could stand on their own. It's kind of crazy. I'm glad I made this album.

So head over to BrooklynVegan and read the full interview... and whilst there you should definitely download the Lightspeed Champion song also posted there.

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