Sunday, October 11, 2009


Sounding like a cross between Arcade Fire and Langley School Music Project (great music and great story) this is the perfect song for Halloween. My Body Is A Zombie For You (song title of the year?) is just one of those great songs that remind you that music does not have to be complicated to be great.

Dead Man's Bones is a band consisting of Ryan Gosling (yup... that guy) and Zach Shields. Two guys who actually can't play instruments. This is not hard to hear, but that has not stopped from making great songs. The music is simple yet very effectful. Some of it is down to Gosling's great trembling voice, but what really does it is L.A.’s Silverlake Conservatory Childrens Choir. There is just something endeeringly creepy about a whole choir of children singing about zombies. A gem of a song.

Dead Man's Bones - My Body Is A Zombie For You

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