Two current favorites are Salem and School of Seven Bells. They each represent a brand of electro-shoegaze meets distorted psych meets noisepop, but with very different results. For reasons unknow I see these two bands as related despite their obvious differences in sound. Then again, who cares when the music is this great?
School of Seven Bells features sisters and identical twins Alejandra and Claudia Deheza and Benjamin Curtis of Secret Machines. They're by far the most accessible of the two and make lovely pop bliss (within the organic electro-shoegaze-whatchmacall it). Their songs fit all moods and should be a mandatory listen for these cold times.
Peek School of Seven Bells:
Salem on the other hand make evil and twisted electro-shoegaze that is far less accessible, but equally lovely. Distorted vocals over distorted bass with stabbing synths and southern hip hop style beats makes for something completely new and all great. It's definitely not for everyone, but in any case it should be checked out just so you know how evil music really sounds... that's "good" evil of course.
Peek Salem (NSFW by the way... slight nudity involved):
SALEM - DIRT from ACEPHALE on Vimeo.
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